Saturday 6 February 2010

I looked in the mirror

I looked in the mirror and what did I see?
Two fat Barrys staring back at me
This is another way to stay that I have become distinctly porky. Over the years the weight has slowing crept on until now I am an overweight middle-aged (old-aged?) man. I have had various attempts over the past few  years to shed the excess baggage but in the end LOMF (lack of moral fibre) has defeated me.  
The few weeks preceding Christmas did not help. We had a succession of weekends of parties, people staying with us and then Christmas itself. Then the snow curtailed physical activity until one day the scales just reached y stone. I am too ashamed to reveal the actual poundage, suffice to say it is far too much. 
So starting last Sunday I began to take myself in-hand. the first thing to go has been the nightly glass of wine, it is not just the wine but the accompanying peanuts, pringles etc which do the damage.
I have also started jogging or should it be called wobbling? Oh for the days when training at six and half minute miles pace was relatively easy. I doubt if I could run a 100 yards at that pace today. This has given me a reason to wear the Ron Hill tracksters that Lawrie and Emma gave me for Christmas and the windbreaker top and gloves from Julia. So far it has been mighty slow and not very far. I am hoping that this public airing of my aims and goals will help keep me on the straight and narrow. Today I am x stone 10 lbs so there has been some immediate benefit; the problem will be keeping it going in the weeks ahead; a forthcoming business trip to the States won't help!

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