May 2013: Lord Sugar attacks the EU, says Brussels is an obstacle to his companies’ success:
I started my business years ago, to take on the first person, the
second, the third, was bad enough – but now we have a further obstacle
to worry about: the political correctness of things, the claims culture,
and the health and safety. It’s no wonder some small businesses say it
is too onerous and they won’t hire anyone. I blame the fact that we are
part of Europe. I blame the fact that the Government doesn’t have the
guts to say to Brussels: I don’t like it, we should start taking control
of our own safety and health regulations and our own claims culture.
I’ve been told we can’t because we are in Europe. I say, enough is
enough! We are Britain; we were once a great industrial nation and now
you’ve turned us into a nation of ambulance chasers and moaners and
25 May 2016: Lord Sugar appointed government’s new business tsar.
31 May 2016: Lord Sugar lovebombs the EU, says Brussels is responsible for his companies’ success:
been in business for 50 years. I’ve seen some pretty daft ideas in my
time. And I’ll tell you one of them: Britain leaving the EU… When we
entered the EU, it was a breath of fresh air for me. It opened up a
massive market. I was free to sell to and buy from who I wanted and
where I wanted. Honestly, that’s how my companies prospered… So, for the
sake of Britain, I hope you trust me and my instincts, and, on June
23rd, vote to remain.”
Labour Council Offers “Performance Anxiety” Training
Labour-run Leeds City Council is has been having a tough time recently as
it faces an “unprecedented” financial black hole. *The council axed it’s
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