I really cannot understand the stupidity of the government with the way it is going about easing the lockdown. It is to be expected that scientists will have differing opinions as 'when' is the right time. I was listening on the TV this morning (Saturday 30th May) and some scientists thought that we were rushing things; no doubt others disagree and at the end of the day the government has to make a political decision.
What I do not understand is and what beggars belief is the way that they make these announcements. It is right and proper that they give some days notice before shops and businesses (why not churches?) can open. They will need time to put in place the correct measures to ensure safety to staff and customers. But why or why do they need to announce ahead of time when restrictions on social gatherings are easing? Saying that the rules will change on Monday when the weekend before is forecast to be one of the hottest of the year is asking for trouble. What is going to change between now and Monday that will make it safe to gather in larger groups? People will think if it is safe on Monday it will be safe today - so they will flout the restrictions.The government is lurching about like a ship with a drunken sailor at the helm. I actually question whether there is anyone at the helm.
They obviously have no idea as to how people think and behave. If the government wants to change the rules on social gatherings on Monday then they announce it late Sunday night. I have no doubt that this weekend the TV screens and news bulletins will be full of people flouting the rules. This puts the police in an impossible situation, telling people off on Sunday for doing something that they are allowed to do the following day. Is there nobody with any common sense advising the government? It would appear not.
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