Much to my great surprise I had to make a second visit to Boston and our labs at Littleton within a month. This time, with a sales colleague Nick, we were to accompany a couple customers while they did some testing and assist with some in-depth discussions. The trip got off to a shaky start as the customer's staff could not make Heathrow in time for our flight as their connecting flight from Manchester was delayed by snow. We agreed to go ahead and meet them later in Boston. This time the weather was warmer, just above freezing, but with the promise of heavy snow later in the week. To be safe we decided to take a 4x4 rather than a regular hire car.
Nick and I wondered around Boston whilst we waited for the customers to arrive; it was interesting seeing it without the covering of snow.
We had the opportunity to have a close look at the Holocaust Memorial; six glass towers, one for each of the million people exterminated in the concentration camps. What I had not appreciated when I saw them from afar on my first trip is that they are covered with the inmate numbers which were tattooed on each prisoner. It is a very powerful and moving memorial.
The trip itself was reasonable successful from a business perspective. We were able to cover off the customer's questions and concerns; we will have to wait and see whether the orders follow!
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