Thursday 24 May 2018

Drug Trials

Earlier in the year I volunteered to go forward to be on an Alzheimer's prevention drug trial. This involved going on a whole battery of medical tests, ECG, MRI and Pet scans. Plus cognitive impairment and memory tests. They are after people without cognitive impairment but whose brains have the bio-markers for the potential to develop Alzheimer's caused by the beta-amyloid protein.
Today was judgement day when I went with Julia to get the results. So off to Re:Cognition Health for the feedback on all my tests. They came back negative which means I am not likely to get Alzheimer’s caused by the beta-Amyloid protein which is the most common cause of dementia. To quote the doctor “I am normal” with no cognitive impairment. This means I will not be on the drug trial. She also looked at my ECG results and said that I had nothing to worry about there.
So if we meet and it becomes obvious that one of us is not quite "all there" I have medical proof the it is not me!!
Of course I can still suffer from one of the other causes of dementia such as Vascular dementia, Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia etc. But at least one has been ruled out.



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