Would I be free to publish a cartoon mocking gay marriage? I would probably be arrested.
Would I be free to publish a cartoon mocking Christianity? There would be probably be am out cry (assuming I was sufficiently famous as a cartoonist).
Would I be free to publish a cartoon mocking Islam? I would probably be murdered.
So do we have free speech in this country?
Labour Council Offers “Performance Anxiety” Training
Labour-run Leeds City Council is has been having a tough time recently as
it faces an “unprecedented” financial black hole. *The council axed it’s
Child ...
1 hour ago
Vicar "hello, haven't seen you in church recently"
ReplyDeleteParishioner "well Vicar if it comes to that we haven't seen you in the bar of the jolly Sailor recently"
Vicar " don't get funny with me, if I don't see you on Sunday I'll be around your house with my AK47"
Just saying....