Monday, 27 June 2011

Memories of Father Pat

When Father Pat retired form St. Joseph's Church Bromley in 2006 I put together a CD of photos taken over the years with captions and music. You can download this and play it - it is an exe file (so you need some form of Windows emulator if using a MAC). Click here to access the file - it is large 300MB so will take a while to download.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Father Pat (Canon Patrick Pearson) RIP

Have just heard that our former Parish Priest, Father Pat, has died. I have no further news of his death but he did have a major stroke last year. He recovered and I had lunch with him only last week. He was a lovely gentle man and an inspiring priest in his quiet understated manner.It was a privilege to have known him.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Abused: Breaking the Silence

Have just seen the BBC documentary Abused: Breaking the Silence. This is not much that one say apart from the utter revulsion I feel and anger that it is being covered up; or at least the Rosminian Order is trying to cover it up. A very good article in the Daily Telegraph click here to read by Damian Thompson. It is so sad that after the Pope's visit and all that was said that some people still do not get it; be open, be honest, be truthful. What made it worse for me is that at the weekend we went to the wonderful Mass at Southwark; then on Sunday we witnessed a friend's ordination as a deacon, a wonderful service and very uplifting. Then you get a kick teeth from this programme; it is a real test of faith to say the least.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

40 Years On

Next month on July 24th Julia and I celebrate our Ruby Wedding Anniversary. We started the celebrations by attending the special Celebration of Marriage Mass which is held every year at St. George's Cathedral Southwark. The Mass is open to all that are holding a significant wedding anniversary and some 750+people attended the services.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Depaul UK - Helping the Young and Homeless

I was at a meeting earlier this week where there was a speaker from Depaul UK. This is a charitable trust that works with young disadvantaged and the homeless. From their website:

Depaul UK helps young people who are homeless, vulnerable and disadvantaged.

  • We protect young people by finding them a place to call home.
  • We prevent young people becoming homeless by rebuilding family relationships and offering through the gate support to young offenders.
  • We provide young people with the chance to fulfil their potential through education, volunteering and training.
Depaul UK is part of Depaul International, a group of charities working to support homeless and marginalised people around the world.

It is worth looking at the site and thinking about making a donation.  It may come as a surprise but there are homeless and disadvantaged youngsters in "prosperous" boroughs and towns.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Interfaith Walk

On Saturday Julia and I took part in a walk around the "Holy City" of Southall. It comprised people of all ages and faiths and we called in on a wide variety of places of worship, Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Buddhist... It was fascinating and we all got to understand each other a bit more. Strangers are scary, friends are not so the more friends we make the better. There was also a multi-faith event taking place in a park in Southall where we had lunch, again a great experience.

 In the Park

In the Park



Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Monday, 6 June 2011

Diaconate Formation Progrmme

Last Saturday was our last study day until November, yippee! There is just one piece of coursework to complete then I can relax, although no doubt I will be busy reading various books and documents. This time though without any pressure which will be good.
Actually it has been a most enjoyable year and I know that I will miss the company of my fellow students. We are a diverse bunch but we all get on well and I do enjoy meeting and talking to them. All in all it was a "fun" year.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

The Lodge

Work on changes to the Lodge are proceeding, albeit much slower than we would have liked. We have now been down three times this year and have still not had a holiday! Each time we have been working. In fact we come home needing a break. The carpets have now been replaced, needed as they were damaged when the pipes burst in the big freeze last winter. The changes to the utility room are now complete. The new kitchen is almost done but when we last left the tiler was still working away. So hopefully after the next visit all will be shipshape; except that there is a problem with the new oven/grill unit and we have to arrange for that to be sorted. It really is never ending!

From this

To this