Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Thought for the Day!

 Here's a thought for the day - if the world needs to go green before 2030/50  

(1) have you stopped to work out the tonnage of: Silver, Copper, Lithium, Gold, Platinum, Palladium and rare earth minerals its going to take to make the solar panels, wind turbines, EV cars etc?

(2) Have you also worked out the amount of fossil fuels and mining that its going to take to extract, process & transport those metals and minerals?

(3) Have you also worked out that the major metal deposits are on diminishing returns/grades and the average time for a new discovery, say in copper, to come online and produce is over 20 years?

(4) Regardless of whether you're pro "green revolution" or not there's a lot of fossil fuels and mining that's going to happen before the new tech is even useable & it would be refreshing if the media actually told those facts to the populous who seems to think the tech comes "guilt free."

Budget Secrets

 Back in the day" nobody but a few close advisors knew what was going to in the Chancellor's budget. The cabinet were only told a few hours before and people resigned if a "budget secret" was accidentally revealed prior to the speech.

Today it seems as if the world and his wife know what is in the speech days before the main event.
Why did this come about and is it a good thing? Answers on a postcard please or alternatively as a comment to this post!